Storytelling at school
to master the art of speech
Good speaking skills can be taught!
Over recent years in Europe, teacher training has increasingly focused on oral expression. A key question is this: how can teachers help pupils improve their mastery of oral self-expression? The aim of this project is to allow students to tell stories without the help of physical materials (books, images, etc)
What stories can be used?
We have chosen to focus on stories from the oral tradition: tales, but also finger games, nursery rhymes, cumulative tales, songs, riddles, myths and legends…
Storytelling is one of the oldest and most shared oral forms. Tales to be told with your words, your emotions!
What would be the benefits?
Storytelling at school can lead to a number of benefits on linguistic, cognitive, and social levels.
For children, speaking is first and foremost an opportunity to engage others in dialogue, and to learn how to listen to one another.

Storytelling at school means taking part in an inclusive, collective project. It allows students to work on their memory, imagination, and logical reasoning skills, so that they can then more easily access reading and writing.
Content and tools
for teachers to promote
oral expression in the classroom
Before learning to read and write,
children should learn to talk!
Seeds of Tellers is a two-year project funded from November 2018 to March 2021,
by the Erasmus+ programme (KA2, innovation and good practice).
All of the content produced during these two years is the result of the collaboration
between 6 European organisations that have pooled their know-how, experience and network.